Naakka Corvus monedula Common Jackdaw 1cy

Arvostele ( 0 )

Kuvaus: Note fresh plumage and darkish iris.

Avainsanoja: August 2011 Lappeenranta Finland

Tundrakuikka Pacific Loon Gavia pacifica 2cy

Arvostele ( 0 )

Kuvaus: Compared to Arctic it is quite easy to separate. The shape differencences in shape and proportions are quite obvious: more rounded head, shorter bill and larger darker area around ear coverts. Note also throat strap.

Avainsanoja: Teslin Lake 27 August 2011

Northern Shrike Lanius excubitor 1cy

Northern Shrike Lanius excubitor 1cy

Lisätty: 30 Elokuu 2011

Arvostele ( 0 )

Kuvaus: ssp borealis.

Avainsanoja: Marsh Lake, Yukon, Canada 28.8.2011