Keltavästäräkki Motacilla flava Yellow Wagtail male ssp macronyx

Arvostele ( 0 )

Kuvaus: Also known as Manchuria Yellow Wagtail. Resembles ssp thunbergii and may be not safely separated. Approximately less blackish in forehead and ear coverts in male than in thunbergii. Call was different with more r-sound closer to Citrine Wagtail.

Avainsanoja: Mongolia Bayan Nuur Lake June 2012

Grönlanninlokki Larus glaucescens Iceland Gull 3cy

Arvostele ( 0 )

(kansiossa: Lintukuvia 2013)

Avainsanoja: Espoo Finland 6.1.13

Tunturikiuru Eremophila alpestris Shorelark

Arvostele ( 0 )

(kansiossa: Lintukuvia 2013)

Avainsanoja: Helsinki Finland 2.2.2013