Kiljukotka Aquila clanga Greater Spotted Eagle adult type

Arvostele ( 0 )

Kuvaus: Document photo with lot of crop. Flying individual nearby Eastern border. Loittoneva, itärajaa lähestyvä clanga. Kuvaa kropattu hurjasti.

Avainsanoja: Lappeenranta Finland 13.4.2014

Sepelsieppo Ficedula albicollis Collared Flycatcher 2cy male

Arvostele ( 0 )

Kuvaus: Twitched bird. Note abrared and brownish flight feathers and coverts. White line in the base of primaries is not so wide than expected in adult males. Also white extends to outer web of P4 ( weak) or P5 in adults usually to P3. Note white in outer web of P6. Usually there is little or no white, but white outer web is possible in T5 and T6.

Avainsanoja: Helsinki Finland 30.4.2014

Sepelsieppo Ficedula albicollis Collared Flycatcher 2cy male

Arvostele ( 0 )

Kuvaus: Twitched bird

Avainsanoja: Helsinki Finland 30.4.2014