Mustaotsanakkeli Sitta frontalis Velvet-fronted Nuthatch male

Arvostele ( 0 )

Kuvaus: Lives in broadleaved forests up to 1800 m (Litt.Robson: Birds of SE Asia. Sexing: black postocular line indicates male.

Avainsanoja: Hong Kong April 2011

Pitkäjalka Himantopus himantopus Black-winged Stilt

Arvostele ( 0 )

Kuvaus: According to Viney et al (in book: The Birds of HK and S China) is common passage migrant and uncommon Winter visitor in Hong Kong.

Avainsanoja: China Hong Kong Mai Po April 2011

Huppuhyyppä Grey-headed Lapwing Vanellus cinereus

Arvostele ( 0 )

Kuvaus: According to Chandler 2009 (Shorebirds of N America, Europe and Asia) breeds NE China and Japan, and is also migratory Lapwing.

Avainsanoja: Yunnan China April 2011

Lusikkasirri Spoon-billed Sandpiper Eurynorhynchus pygmeus

Arvostele ( 0 )

Kuvaus: We saw at least two individuals during one week. This was one of the highlights of our trip! Population is decreased strongly and estimation is about 100 pairs in the world!

Avainsanoja: Mai Po Hong Kong China April 2011

Mongoliantylli Charadrius mongolus Lesser Sand Plover mongolus-group

Arvostele ( 0 )

Kuvaus: According to Viney et al (The Birds of HK and S China) about 500 individuals per day of this species is usual in Hong Kong area in April.

Avainsanoja: Mai Po, Hong Kong, China, April 2011